Children’s Eye Disorder

Children Refractive Error Types

Refractive error is when the eye does not bend (refract) light properly, resulting in blurred images.

Hyperopia (far-sightedness) – distant objects look somewhat clear, but close objects appear more blurred

Myopia (near-sightedness) – close objects look clear but distant objects appear blurred.

Astigmatism – Objects both near and far appear blurred.

Children Refractive Error Treatment

  • Eye glasses
  • Ortho-K

What is Amblyopia (Lazy Eyes)?

Amblyopia is commonly known as lazy eyes. It occurs when one eye sees normal and the other eye sees blur. However, the brain only processes the normal view and ignores the blur view.

Amblyopia Causes

  • High uncorrected refractive error (near-sightedness, far-sightedness, astigmatism)
  • Significant differences in visual acuity between the left and right eyes
  • An eye that appears to turn in or turn out (squint or strabismus)

Amblyopia Treatment

Amblyopia is best treated as early as possible, between 4 to 6 years old, while the visual pathways in the brain are still developing. A thorough eye examination with an ophthalmologist will help early detection and ensure treatment success.

  • Eye patch – Patching the good eye and forcing the poorer eye to develop clearer vision
  • Wearing glasses, to correct the eye that is out of focus

What is Squints (Strabismus)?

Squint, commonly known as “crossed eyes” happens when both eyes are not straight. The eyes do not move together and may appear crossed at times. The other eye will appear turned out, up, or down from wherever the first eye is focused. Children with squint may also experience depth perception loss, double vision or vision loss.

Squints Causes

  • Family hereditary
  • Muscle abnormality

Squints Treatment

  • Eye patch – Patching the good eye and forcing the poorer eye to develop clearer vision
  • Wearing glasses, to correct the eye that is out of focus

Talk to us Today

Be it eye exams, treatment or surgeries, our team of Ophthalmologists are ready to help you. Contact us today!